First visit
Creative startup meeting room where the team looks confused.
I am really confused about the next steps for our project. Any ideas?
The competitors are moving too fast. We can't even keep up!

Maneuvering Challenges with OODA Loop: A Decision-Making Toolbox

Consider you're a business owner operating under challenging conditions caused by a global pandemic. The unpredictable environment forces you to make important decisions under considerable uncertainty. This predicament, common in crisis situations, is where the OODA Loop, a decision-making model, becomes an invaluable tool.

Developed by Air Force pilot and military strategist John Boyd, the OODA Loop helps individuals and organizations navigate through uncertainty, adapt to change, and make decisions efficiently.

Components of the OODA Loop

  • Observe: Collect data from the environment. For instance, monitor social media, news, or conduct customer surveys to get a comprehensive understanding of the current situation.
  • Orient: Analyze the information, consider multiple perspectives, and update your mental model. For example, identify patterns or changes in consumer behavior.
  • Decide: Based on your updated understanding, formulate a course of action. You may decide to switch to an online business model.
  • Act: Execute the chosen action. Deploy resources, communicate the changes to stakeholders, and watch the repercussions.

OODA in Action: Adapting Business During a Crisis

Observe: Your restaurant is closed due to a lockdown, and you've noticed a growing number of people ordering food delivery.

Orient: You analyze this behavioral shift and recognize a potential opportunity in the delivery service market.

Decide: You decide to transition your business model to offer takeaway and delivery services primarily.

Act: You remodel your kitchen for high-efficiency meal prep, introduce an online ordering system, and collaborate with delivery services.

After acting, the cycle begins anew as you observe the impact of your actions, adjust accordingly and further refine your business strategies.

Why OODA Works

The OODA Loop thrives in dynamic and unpredictable situations—it embraces the ever-changing nature of our environment rather than constantly playing catch-up. It's a continuous cycle of learning and adapting, fitted perfectly for scenarios where time is a critical factor.

The application of the OODA Loop in your business enables nimble and assertive decision making. Amidst crises, it helps to ensure that your business, like an adept fighter pilot, can swiftly course correct, continuously adapt and decisively overcome challenges.

Practice Decision-Making

While flying a training mission, a fighter pilot experiences a sudden system malfunction. To react effectively, the pilot should first:

React based on standard procedures without assessing the situation.

Observe the current circumstances and interpret the information before acting.
